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Black Soybean Homemade Tofu

We are excited to reveal another version of homemade tofu today. We've seen lots of tofu made with soybean, so why not try making it with black soybean?!

Black soybean is a black bean with a green kernel inside. It has twice the amount of fiber that soybeans do, as well as more nutrition than a regular black bean. Thanks to the green kernel, you can add a subtle green pop of color on the table.

Prep time: 24 hours

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings: 1 block of tofu


  • 2 cups of dried black soybean

  • 6 cups of filtered water

  • 3 tbsp of homemade nigari

For homemade liquid Nigari:

  • 1 1/2 cups of coarse sea salt

  • 1/2 cup of filtered water


  • Set soybeans in water for 24 hours. The soaked beans will expand and become 6 cups of beans, which is 3x the original amount. You will see the black skin is opened and the green kernel inside.

  • For homemade nigari, 3:1 ratio makes best results when transforming into the curds. Mix 1/2 cups of water into 1 1/2 cups of coarse sea salt. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours as well. Drain salted water and it will act the same as liquid nigari. My liquid nigari came out about 4 tbsp after well drained.

  • When soaked bean and homemade nigari are ready to use, add the soaked beans and water into a high-speed processor/blender until it is smooth and creamy.

  • Transfer the mixture into your large bowl, using a brew bag to collect the soy pulp. My pulp came out about little less than the 1 quart.

  • Bring to boil over medium heat. Keep stirring to avoid burning the mixture at the bottom of the pot, and remove the foam that forms on top with a wooden spoon.

  • As soon as the soy milk begins to boil, switch off the heat and add the homemade liquid nigari. You should add it little by little, so that it gradually and evenly mixes in rather than in one spot.

  • Gently stir a few times. Then set aside and it will begin to curdle. When it begins to curdle, you can easily see the curds and water separating.

  • Put cheesecloth over the inner container and use a spoon to transfer just the soybean curd into the mold.

  • Close the cloth completely and then the lid. This time, I didn't turn the dial and let it sit for an hour. The longer you press it, the firmer it gets, so if you want a softer tofu, you could press for 20 mins.

Enjoy! 😋😉


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